Building. Our world. Challenges in the Global Construction Market

The global construction market – a colossal, beast of an industry that sculpts skylines, transforms landscapes and provides the

stage to our lives – is not without its share of challenges.

When you take a moment to examine the world of construction in the world we construct, several factors clearly stand out as

significant, shared hurdles with which the industry grapples with on a global scale; today for tomorrow. Here are a few such


Population Growth and Urbanisation – Accelerating Spatial Demands

The global population is forecasted to increase to c. 9 billion by 2050 and the UK population projected to reach more than c.

77m in the same timeframe (+14% versus today).

Today, cities account for more than 50% of global population and again, by 2050, this is predicted to rise to nearly 70%. The

impact of technology and new methods of construction are vital to accommodate such change.

Clearly, this will have a profound impact on how we design living spaces; with sizes and structure types in need of continual

review with tomorrow’s needs in mind.

Financial Risk

The construction market is inherently capital-intensive, making it susceptible to financial risks.

Fluctuations in material prices, currency exchange rates and economic/market downturns can impact project viability and


Supply Chain Disruption

The construction sector heavily relies on a complex web of suppliers for raw materials and components. Disruptions in the

supply chain, whether due to geopolitical tensions, natural disasters, or global pandemics, can result in delays and increased

costs, affecting project timelines and budgets.

Sustainability and Environmental Factors/Concerns

The construction industry is the largest consumer of resources and raw materials.

In an era of increasing environmental awareness, the construction industry faces the challenge of aligning with sustainable


Balancing the need for urban development with environmental conservation remains a tightrope walk, as stakeholders seek

eco-friendly materials, energy-efficient designs and waste reduction strategies.

Skilled Labour Shortage

A critical challenge facing the construction market is the scarcity of skilled labour. As the industry experiences growth, there is a

widening gap between the demand for skilled workers and the available workforce. This shortage can lead to project delays,

compromised quality and increased costs.

We are also an ageing society. Life expectancy is projected to be 94.3 years for male and 97.3 for females by 2037. The

number of UK residents aged 90+ has tripled in past 30 years.

Technological Development and Integration

While technology has brought about remarkable advancements, integrating tech into the traditional construction sector creates

its own set of challenges (in a somewhat traditionally reluctant sector).

Adapting to Building Information Modeling (BIM), robotics and automation requires significant investment and a shift in

mindset within the industry. However. increased use of premanufactured/offsite modules and improved monitoring for

predictive and corrective building performance and maintenance are already becoming more commonplace.

Regulatory Compliance and Permitting

Navigating the labyrinth of regulations and obtaining necessary permits can be a cumbersome process in the construction

sector. Stringent building codes, zoning laws and environmental regulations vary globally, making compliance a complex task

which often leads to project delays and added unplanned cost.

Infrastructure Deficits

In some regions, inadequate infrastructure, such as poor transportation networks and limited access to utilities, poses a

challenge to construction projects (and, therefore, for all players in the value chain). Overcoming and managing these deficits

requires collaborative efforts between governments, private sectors and communities.

The global construction market is a unique and dynamic arena, where innovation and challenge coexist. Addressing such issues

requires a holistic approach, with stakeholders collaborating to find sustainable solutions.

As the industry navigates the complexities of the modern world, embracing technology, prioritising sustainability and fostering

a skilled workforce are essential elements towards building a resilient future.

KMN Consult specialise in finding the right people for the right roles; shaping your workforce for the construction industry of

the future. Your trusted search partner.

If you’d like to learn more about my approach, or share your views on this topic, please reach out on 07835 123105 or

Recruiting the right talent to lead your Sustainability strategy

As well documented, the UK construction sector carries a heavy responsibility to do the right thing when it comes to Sustainability.

The UN Environmental Programme reports CO2 emissions from buildings and construction have hit new heights, leaving the sector off track to decarbonise by 2050.

The 2022 Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction finds that the sector accounted for over 34% of energy demand and around 37% of energy and process-related CO2 emissions in 2021.

We can now also see it ourselves in our daily lives; the climate crisis is no longer a thing of the future, but something we’re seeing in front of us, today.

Clearly, to support the need to meet sustainability goals and, therefore, reduce environmental impact, ensuring your business has the right size and shaped team to structure and deliver the Sustainability strategy is essential on many levels.

Initiatives such as recycling programmes, incorporating eco-friendly materials or packaging, fuel usage initiatives, adopting energy-efficient practices and/or adhering to stringent emission standards all form the foundations of a Sustainability roadmap to support the industry in its pursuit of better.

Challenges of course include the cost of transitioning to sustainable practices, regulatory compliance and the need for skilled teams, familiar with green construction methods. Staying abreast of evolving environmental policies and investing in sustainable technologies (now, for the future) are necessary to navigate these complex hurdles.

Hence, recruiting the highest quality of talent to lead and drive your Sustainability strategy is no longer a nice-to-have, but vital.

Emphasising an authentic importance on sustainability within your business strategy, underpinned with robust and clear investment plans to ensure that its place on the agenda remains high, will support in attracting emerging talent.

Incorporating sustainability deep into your company culture and employer brand will also appeal to the right candidates.

In todays’ crowded market, albeit seemingly with an abundance of talent to consider, sourcing candidates with the right blend of skills and experience in the sustainability space (specifically for your business needs) is fast requiring specialist, dedicated recruitment treatment. The term ‘Sustainability’ is occasionally overused when comes to candidates marketing themselves in a bid to become noticed.

Pleasingly, KMN Consult have had proven, repeated success in finding that ‘needle in a haystack’ for clients when it comes to recruiting sustainability leadership talent.

If you’d like to learn more about my approach, or simply to discuss the topic further, please reach out on 07835 123105 or

Recruiting the right people for the right company

Kelly and Harper

I’m a recruitment consultant working mainly with the building and construction materials, minerals and general manufacturing sectors.

I’ve worked in recruiting the best talent to these industries for over 16 years and what drives me is the satisfaction that I get from placing the right people with the right company. Finding that perfect match means job satisfaction for the candidate and increased creativity and output for the business they work in.

It is three years since I took a leap of faith and launched KMN Consult. In those early days I remember sitting at home wondering if I’d done the right thing. No guaranteed monthly salary, no holiday pay, no-one backing or funding me…

Two months later it was March and Covid hit, the world stopped and so did the business I had just started. Panic mode truly kicked in at this point and I was convinced I had made the biggest mistake of my life.

But there was nothing else for it, I had no other option than to keep going, working hard and hoping for the best. There were days full of worry and many sleepless nights, but I was determined that my young company would flourish, whatever the odds and twists and turns on the way.

Fast forward to 2023 and I am receiving many well wishes for my three-year work anniversary as KMN Consult.

So I am entering year four running a successful business and working with amazing clients who retain me to work with them in solving their challenges and recruiting talent.

Success never comes without sacrifices; it takes hard work. My daily routine goes something like this:


This is MY time. I walk my beautiful dog Harper, before going to the gym and getting ready for my day. Yes, I am one of those people that gets up at 5am every day and I love it!


This is my work time.

Every day is different.

Some days I am on the road, travelling in the car for 4-6 hours and attending meetings/site visits.

Some days I am in the office all day on the phone, interviewing and doing teams calls.

Some days I am in the office 4/5 hours and work from home the rest of the time.

Some days I walk Harper at 4pm and will be on the phone to clients at the same time or replying to emails and messages.

If a candidate or client wants to talk to me at 8pm at night, I will.

It’s tiring and it’s hard work but when you are passionate and driven about what you do, it’s worth it and for me it’s rewarding.

My friends and family sometimes tell me to slow down and not to do too much but this is me, it’s who I am.

So that’s my three years journey so far at the helm of KMN Consult. It’s been a rollercoaster but one I wouldn’t change, and I am excited to see where KMN will be in another three years.

Every time I match the perfect person to their perfect role it gives me great satisfaction. I place great emphasis on getting to know the recruiting company and the candidate, what makes them tick, what’s their ethos, personality and expectations. It’s not about who or which role appears to measure up on paper, it’s about delving deeper to ensure a great partnership – a successful career for the candidate who becomes a strong advocate that drives business forward for their new company.

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